April 8, 2024 - 😎 Where Will You Be at 11:20am?

Today, at precisely 11:20 AM, the skies over Las Vegas will take a dramatic turn, as if the city's neon lights weren't enough of a spectacle. Yes, folks, there's an eclipse in the cards. So, remember to pause your slot machines and step out — the cosmos is rolling the dice, and the jackpot is a spectacle that beats even the brightest neon light of Vegas.

In today’s edition:

  • Last eclipse for 20 years…do you have your glasses?

  • Monorail madness in the rumor mill

  • Partying like the royals with High Tea

  • Pool season meets art in the Nevada desert

Last Total Eclipse For 20 Years

While Las Vegas is not on the direct path of the eclipse, it will still see a 51% coverage of the sun, so grab your eclipse glasses (and no, regular sunglasses won’t protect you) and get outside.

  • 10:12 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with its peak at 11:20 a.m

  • Need protective glasses (Check for number ISO 12312-2024)

  • National Weather Service predicts about 50% cloud cover in Vegas

  • The next eclipse isn’t predicted until August 2044

Monorail Madness: Denied

The rumor mill was spinning about the Las Vegas Monorail shutting down. And, we were all wondering why it took so long?

Then yesterday, the rumor was debunked by officials. The Monorail will continue to run, which prompts the question, does anyone still use it? Turns out, yes:

  • 100 Million riders since opening 20 years ago.

  • About 5 million people yearly take the monorail

  • Ridership on the rise in 2024 - 3.8% increase over February 2023.

  • Conventions like CES drive an average of 140,000 passengers in a 4 day period, equivalent to 70,000 car trips.

“The Monorail consistently outperformed nearly every other rail system reported by the FTA (Federal Transit Administration) in the comparisons of revenue earned per mile and riders carried per mile of system since it began operations.”

- LVCVA written statement

Did you know these monorail fun facts?

  • 4 miles of track with 7 stops

  • 100% Electric with zero emission trains keeping over 38 Million vehicle miles off Vegas roadways

  • 9 Autonomous trains with 4 cars each holds 222 passengers each (packed to the gills)

Party Like the Royals: High Tea the Vegas Way

Saturday afternoon at the Legacy Club on the 60th floor of Circa hosted High Tea as only Las Vegas can, with more champagne and cocktails than actual tea. 😉

A live violin player set the mood as lines formed at the bar, and women in pretty dresses and big hats drank liquor-infused tea and champagne and snacked on crumpets finger foods.

Everyone had a great time, and who can complain about that view! 🙌

It’s Pool Season

The first weekend in April marked the opening of most of Las Vegas’ pools, including the GoPool at Flamingo and the Caesars Palace Garden of the Gods pools.

But there was another unique addition this year…

The “Public Pool” art installation in the Nevada/California desert created by CJ Hendry was open to the public for free last weekend.

  • 50-meter long and 3 ft deep inflatable pool

  • Check out this video of the 5 day setup